Sunday, January 15, 2006

Olah, mi amigos!

I´m back at the internet café with some fun tidbits of the past day or so. Here´s a bit of a recap for you.

So when Bryan and I got off the plane, we took a good 40 minutes to get through customs, watching the lines around us zoom past while ours remained firmly still. It would have been hilarious if it weren´t mildly irritating.

We then got into a van with a man who is about seven hundred years old. The van was slightly older. After opening to the door to throw my luggage in and then sit down in the next seat up, we found that the door was never meant to close again. Bryan had to hold the door closed for the twenty minute drive from the airport to Santa Ana (pronounced ¨Santana¨). During this ride, we became acquainted with "Gata," who works in the office at Conversa. She told us a little about the town, and we found out that my host family owns a bar called "El Coco." What did this mean for me? Well, for the time being, it means free Mexican food and Cervesas. The local brand is Imperial, and it has an Aguilar (eagle) on the front of it. Fantastic.

Today, Bryan and I woke up around 10:00 and headed into town with Guillermo (some guy we met yesterday who speaks decent English) and played a bit of softball with some Nicaraguan guys. This was good times, and they seemed to like watching us play if only so they could mock us in Spanish. I struck out once, and was asked if I would like a bigger bat or a bigger ball. Hilarious. No, really.

Then when we got back, we went back to our host families for lunch and afterwards decided to hike up the mountain to Conversa. This was a mistake. The hike was three miles, about 90% uphill, and we didn´t know where we were going. We ended up hiking about a mile past the school before coming upon what appeared to be a pair of random Ticos (locals), but were in fact the owners of Conversa. They had no problem telling us where we´d gone wrong, and after that we were fine. Because it´s the weekend, nobody was there except a guard, but we got to play some basketball and relax in some hammocks while waiting for the sun to set so we could come home, have dinner, and go to bed. We´re both pretty excited to start school tomorrow, because after that we will be able to have a decent conversation with the people around us without looking like a pair of boobs. Yes, that´s right, we look like boobs. Big white ones.

And now I have summed up my day for you, and I shall go pay my 100 colones for the forty five minutes of internet time I have used. That translates into about 20 cents. This place rules so hard.

Also, I have made it my goal to participate in Karaoke before I leave. I will sing in Español if it´s the last thing I do.

1 comment:

Cameron Talley said...

You should sing "La Bamba."

And good luck learning spanish. Any chance for some pictures of the area?

20 cents for 45 minutes? You've got to be kidding. That's awesome...