Friday, April 9, 2010


This is a short post about handbells. Before you read it, I have to tell you two things.

One: Yes, I play handbells.
Two: You are not the first person to think this is funny.

The video below represents one of the most exhilarating musical performances I've ever been a part of. It's really very silly, but I am immensely proud of it. If you're looking for me in the video, I am the one who looks like me.

Now here's the thing: I am fully aware of how dorky this is. One doesn't get much nerdier than being in a handbell choir. In spite of that, it is the lone dorky part of my personality about which I have never been the tiniest bit self-conscious. I only picked it up in my fourth year of college (some people would call this their "senior" year but in my case that term is not nearly specific enough), so this is right about the time the metaphysical concept of "me" started becoming less of an idea I was guessing at and more of a reality I was living in. It was about this time that I shed most of the awkward insecurity I picked up in junior high. So I was perfectly comfortable at this point being a guy who picks up weird hobbies that most people have never heard of.

This was all by way of explanation and is really only incidental to the reason I came here today. Here's my story:

So today in handbells, somebody played something and it sounded like the chorus from that song "You make me feel like dancing" and I started singing it in my head then I laughed a little. It was pretty cool.


I believe the response you're looking for is, "Cool story, brah."