Friday, December 31, 2004

I have a new breakup movie.

More people need to see "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind." Beautiful movie. I know it sounds really, really ridiculously girly, but it makes me appreciate love and wish I could experience it again, regarldess of all the pain that eventually (inevitably) results. And by calling that "ridiculously girly" I've probably landed the understatement of the month. I've watched the movie twice in the past three days, once with a group of people the other night and again by myself this morning (with commentary from the writer and director, so I guess it doesn't really count as seeing the movie again). It's kind of a sad movie, and also one of those that makes you think, "Dang I want to cuddle with somebody now."

Okay, I get way too introspective when I start spending time by myself. I need to remember that this is an online journal, and anybody in the world who wants to can read this thing. Just because I don't tell anybody about this site doesn't mean nobody reads it, and it's not that I want people to stop reading it. I just need to be a little bit cautious about putting potentially damaging/hurtful/vulnerable information on here. Too much of that stuff and my whole macho veneer could disappear. I could be trying to convince somebody about how manly and independent I am, and suddenly they'll say, "Hey, didn't you say on your online journal that you wanted to cuddle?" and my machismo will instantly deflate. Can't have that.

Listening to: Light & Day / Reach for the Sun by the Polyphonic Spree.

Saturday, December 25, 2004

I talk too much.

Friday, December 24, 2004

Hey there, everybody.

So here I am, finally able to access the internet at my home in OKC. Dad's got the security on this thing tighter than the Pentagon, so until now I've been lacking the proper information to get it set up. But now it's all good.

Yeah, so if you couldn't guess by my earlier entries, Elizabeth and I broke up a couple of weeks ago. And that kind of sucked, because it was my call and a call I didn't want to make. But hey, things between us seem to be okay. At least I'd like to think so; nothing I can do about it if she is angry with me, is there?

So I'm VP for K-Psi next semester, and that's a pretty exciting prospect. I'm ready to have some pledges around. Yay pledging.

I'm also heading to Austin for New Year's with Farris, and that's something I'm most definitely excited about.

Oh, and I turn 21 in about six weeks. Guess I'll need to start drinking or something.

Listening to: Sleigh Ride by the Barenaked Ladies

Wednesday, December 1, 2004

Okay, no more burnout. Just tired now.