Saturday, October 7, 2006

So I received an email the other day from Audioblogger telling me that, starting on November the first, they will terminate their services. This means I can no longer simply make a phone call from the road to make an audio post. I will be forced to remember it was I might have said and then put it into cohesive and easily understandable sentences and paragraphs... so pretty much, if I'm on the road, you'll not be hearing from me at all. Not that this is any different from how it's been for the past couple of months. I know, my little space here online has been uncharacteristicaly quiet since around the middle of the summer. I would like to say with confidence, "But don't worry, I'm back and I'll be updating more frequently now" but the fact remains that I have very little to say at the moment. I'm working on it; once life becomes more exciting, you'll hear about it.

Still working on finding a way to fly even though I am colorblind. No progress as of yet, just a ridiculous amount of red tape and brick walls. I don't like it.

Listening to - Baylor vs. Colorado on Dallas AM radio. My attention span is way too short to follow a game on the radio. Hence the blog entry. Go bears.