Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Baylor Opera Fall 2008

I promised several people some months back that I would do a better job of alerting them to my performances with Baylor opera. I even said in September that I would post an update about exactly that. However, I haven't really had any concrete information to give out until this week. And now I do. If anybody is willing/able to make it, here's where you can see me perform my next role:

Baylor Opera Presents: Cavalli's L'Ormindo
Where: Roxy Grove Hall (the tumor growing out of Waco Hall, on the side facing Armstrong Browning Library)
When: Saturday, November 22nd at 7:30pm (there is also a performance on Friday, which will also be fantastic; however, people wanting to come hear me sing in particular should come on Saturday)
How much does it cost? Nothing. It's free entry to both students and the public. Come enjoy a free show!
Do I need to speak Italian to enjoy it? Not at all! We are singing in English and have updated the text and staging to better reflect contemporary life. I think we've found some great comedy in the text, and the performance should be perfectly accessible for anybody who enjoys music at all.
Are you done typing questions to yourself? Yes I am.

I'll see you there!