Saturday, January 22, 2005

Pledging starts soon.

I'm crazy-excited about that one.

Saturday, January 15, 2005

What a glorious day.

I mean, I know the Bears lost and all, but still... it's been a pretty dang good day. Bulletin stuffing, Arrested Development, rock climbing, Courtside, and now more racquetball, and then I'll fold laundry in between rounds of Dance Dance Revolution. I mean, dang. That's a good day.

Listening to - How Great by David Crowder

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

I think people just need something to talk about. I can't imagine that the things I do are really as interesting as everyone seems to think they are. I'm bored way too often for that to be the case.

Listening to - Absolutely nothing. It's deathly quiet in my apartment right now. Kind of eerie, in fact.

Saturday, January 8, 2005

Wow. What a wonderful week.

The AIMS testing was great. I love aptitude tests... I mean, everybody's good at something, so it's not like you can just straight up fail. But not only that, it almost justifies you being bad at other things. For instance, I scored incredibly low in number memory. But that's okay; now I don't feel so bad about forgetting my own phone number sometimes. I'm just bad at that kind of thing.

Okay, maybe I don't need one more excuse to be bad at things, but it's nice to know that there are just certain things I'm not cut out to do. I'm cool with the fact that I'll never be a professional address book.

But of all of the documented careers, I mean hundreds of careers, maybe even thousands, of all the things I could be considered good at, all of the options they had, the test determined that my ideal career would be... (are you ready?) big surprise now...: Church Music.

But hey, nothing like a little mental security that I'm doing what I should be doing.

Also, the Lady Bears beat the Lady Longhorns. Sic 'em. I love Bears. Especially Lady Bears.

"Texas is our Lex Luthor. We must destroy them." - Dr. Chris Bianco, director of the Baylor Courtside Players.

Listening to - Soldier Girl by the Polyphonic Spree

Monday, January 3, 2005

If it weren't funny, it'd be sad.

I seriously can't seem to get and keep myself on a normal time schedule. I was doing just fine until New Year's Eve, when I ended up staying up all night (again) and then sleeping all day the next day. On January 1st, I woke up at 6:00pm and headed over to Jaylene's with Farris to watch the rest of the Texas game (go Big XII!), and around about 12:30am I came back home and went to bed again. Then I woke up at 4:00am and couldn't go back to sleep, so I just read for a few hours, went to church, then I came back and took a nap that was supposed to last for an hour and a half but ended up lasting for nine hours. Crap. So there I was at 9:00pm wide awake. I went to Wal-Mart to buy some movies to watch. I got back around 11:00 (I took my time in Wal-Mart; lots of fun stuff there), and just as I'm about to start watching "Garden State" Farris walks in. Thank God. We sat around for a minute, and then just up and decided to rearrange my living room. Again, thank God; it was looking pretty ridiculous, because the setup we had was pretty much useful for playing Halo and nothing else. Now it's arranged in a much better "movie-watching" environment. And we got some really cool lamp-lighting from Wal-Mart. Lamps are cool.

So anyway, we're up until about 6:00am doing that, and he decided to go home and get some sleep. I'm still wired, so I decided to go ahead and watch "Garden State." I'm up until 11:00am perusing the special features on that DVD, then I end up falling asleep. Until 9:30pm. ARGH.

Now I've got to be in Dallas, awake, at 8:00am for this AIMs testing thing, and I'll have already been awake for eleven hours. It'll be like taking the ACT when you should be having dinner. Well, let's hope it goes well. I'm really hungry now.

Listening to - Wait, Wait, Wait by The Format

Sunday, January 2, 2005

Okay, I think I'm good. I'm thinking I'll refrain from the self-deprecation for awhile now.

New Year's in Austin was a blast. I have this guilty pleasure of watching drunk people while remaining completely sober myself... it's so awesome. *laughs* Everybody is everybody else's friend while everybody's got their buzz going, and you've got to admit that it's just great to be around. I heard some of the best stories I've gotten from anybody in a long time; stories of fireworks blowing up in a field and having to go and put out the subsequent fires... hey, it may sound stupid to you, but dang it made a funny story.

I think Farris was worried that I wasn't enjoying myself. I've been that guy before; the guy who invited an outsider to join all of the good friends and then suddenly felt obligated to make sure the outsider didn't get bored, thereby preventing the inviter from really enjoying themselves. I made sure to let Farris know that he didn't need to be that guy; I can handle myself just fine in a group of unfamiliar faces. After that I think it was good. Although the hostess kept offering me beers... *laughs* she was sweet. I need to be sure to thank Farris again for having me come down there.

And after having watched Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind for the third time yesterday, and perusing the rest of the special features on the DVD, I have determined that if there were such a company as Lacuna Inc., then the movie would be the most realistic love story of all movie-dom. Even when a character has done something completely despicable, once you really consider where they're coming from you can almost completely understand their motivation (Elijah Wood's character, for instance, seems like quite the jerk if you don't really sypmathize with his plight).

And on that note, I have also discovered a new musical treat. A band called the Polyphonic Spree. You really should go their website. The Polyphonic Spree

Listening to - Two Thousand Places by the Polyphonic Spree