Sunday, September 25, 2005

Today, I put my pants on both legs at once. I held them up a little ways in front of me, jumped into the legs and landed on the "knees" of the pants. I then jumped again and pulled the pants on the rest of the way. For some reason, I felt very empowered after having done this. If I had lucky rocketship underpants to wear, I would be pretty much unstoppable today. And if you can tell me where "lucky rocketship underpants" comes from, I'll give you a shiny quarter.

(phi mu)alphabetagammadeltaepsilonzetaetathetaiotakappa-
*blows out match*

Listening to - Mars by Gustav Holt (recorded by the Berlin Philarhomnic, Herbert von Karajan conducting)

1 comment:

Cameron Talley said...

Calvin and Hobbes.

Where's my quarter? I need quarters so I can wash my t-shirts.

So the Phi Mu's do/did the match thing, too, or are you just saying?