Wednesday, September 21, 2005

I hate being sick.

I realize that nobody likes being sick, so this is kind of an obvious statement to make to begin with. But really, I hate it. I feel like my body has failed me and I am now weaker as a person because my immune system couldn't handle whatever it is that has lodged itself into my body.

I get sick, on average, about once every year and a half or so. There's the occasional headache here and there, sure, and perhaps a few upset stomachs, but it's usually stuff I'm able to pull through without it affecting my daily life. But this morning, for the second time since I've been in college, I was incapacitated. I couldn't move without feeling a muscle or a joint complain bitterly about what I was forcing it to do. My throat felt as dry as the Sahara and as sore as an Aggie fan who is forced to admit defeat. My head was apparently having a bypass construced through it, and I was feeling every single workman tromp around in there with each successive throb. Altogether not a pleasant "how do you do" to start the day.

So I missed all of my classes today and went to the health center. They took two throat swabs and two blood samples. I was negative for Type A strep, and I'll find out tomorrow whether I have some other kind of strep or possibly mono.

Listening to - Foreverandever Etc. by the David Crowder Band

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sup bro!

Whenever I get sick, I find that aleve cold and sinus to start the day really helps out. Drink a gatorade/powerade a day and lots of water. The doctors tell you to drink lots of fluids because you're dehydrated. Drink something that is specifically made to rehydrate you, but drink other stuff too!

Hope you feel better soon!