Thursday, September 22, 2005

Okay, for real. This is the last time I'm talking about this.

The medical center at Baylor has no idea what I have/had. All they know is I don't have mono, and I don't have strep throat. I win ten dollars. Hooray ten dollars. So I'm just supposed to keep taking antibiotics and Advil for the next several days and hopefully symptoms won't come back. Which is fine with me.

Onto other things. Here's some fatastic things about this week:

On Monday night, I got to hear Donald Miller speak. Anybody who has spent significant time around me has probably heard me talk about this guy or his book (Blue Like Jazz). He's an amazing writer; give him a try, he'll blow you away. He came to Baylor this week, and on Monday he spoke in chapel and did a book reading in the SUB later that night. He read an essay about growing up without a father, and it was one of the funniest things I've heard in my life. It was great. I love that guy.

Shaun Groves was supposed to be in Waco today, but then there was a hurricane in Houston. He'll be here on November 4th instead. Mark your calendars.

David Crowder Band's CD release party is on Monday, and I heard them practicing today. It's going to be an outstanding show.

I had custard today, and it was good.

I like handbells.

People are having alcohol tonight, but I'm going to pass. I'm going to keep my health complications down to a minimum for now. No need to bring my liver into it when my spleen almost staged a revolt on Tuesday. The last thing I need is a bioligical mutiny.

Listening to - Do Not Move by the David Crowder Band

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