Wednesday, February 8, 2006

I had a conversation with my host mom today, and I never had to say,¨"¿Que?"

By no means does this mean I can speak Spanish, but I can understand a HUGE amount more than I did when I came here. Especially when I've got a pretty good idea what someone is about to ask me anyway. Heh.

This weekend we're headed to Monteverde Cloud Forest. Trust me, I'll be getting a whole lot of pictures there. Cloud forests are rare. Only about three or four of them in the world, I'm told.

For more info on cloud forests, check out these places:

Cloud Forest Alive
National Geographic Aritlce on Cloud Forests

Also, check out this article about the Resplendent Quetzal. It is the bird to see down here, apparently, and is really quite interesting to read about.

The Resplendent Quetzal

If this doesn't satisfy, you may google it.

"¿Que huelo?"


Cameron Talley said...

Hey man, I just wanted to say Happy Birthday. I don't know what emails you are checking right now, so I thought this would be the best place to do it. And no, I can't say that in spanish, but I can say it in German:

Froehliche Gerburtstag!


Anonymous said...

yeah i wanted to say happy birthday too but i got beaten to it. oh well. have a great day though I'm sure you will since you're in freakin costa rica.


Anonymous said...

Feliz cumpleaños Juan grande. Toda la familia está impaciente por hacer que usted venga a casa y que nos cuente sus historias de Costa Rica. Véale pronto, su papá