Thursday, June 26, 2003

You know what I've spent most of my day doing? Planning to study. Meaning to study. Intending to study. Ever since I got out of Political Science at two twenty today, I've been saying to myself, "All right, the next thing I need to do is study." You know how much time out of that eight hours I've spent actually studying? Thirty-five minutes. A lousy thirty-five minutes.

I don't know if I've had too much caffeine or not enough. While I feel tired right now, if I go to read my textbook I'll immediately lose my ability to sit still. This has been a problem in the past, but for the most part my ability to study has been almost superhuman for these past few weeks. It's almost like summer school does something to me that makes me actually want to learn, I dunno. *laughs* But whatever it was, it's gone. Perfect timing, too. Now that I have my final to take tomorrow, I can't concentrate on Roe v. Wade or Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka any more than I can concentrate on a Spanish soap opera. So what have I decided to do?

I have decided to blog. Blog like I've never blogged before, and like I never shall again.

But now that I've made that declaration, I'm tired of sitting still again. So now I think I'll just go out for some ice cream.


Listening to: Battle Hymn of The Republic - Baylor University Golden Wave Band

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