Friday, June 20, 2003

I guess I'll post the obligatory "This is who I am," entry, since that's the thing I always look for first when I read one of these things.

I am John M Carmack, a student at Baylor University in Waco Texas. The "M" is for "Michael," but for the most part I just use the "M." Can't say why, I just like it better. I just finished my first year of classes at this particular institution, but it was my second year of college education. I am currently taking summer school her

I am a Vocal Music Education major at the moment, although oddly enough it was not my first choice. When I came here I intended to major in Instrumental Music Education, but my plans were not meant to be, it would turn out. I didn't know I was coming to Baylor until about the April before my first fall semester here, so I missed all of the audition dates for the school of music. Hence, I came here signed up for music classes, assuming that I would be able to audition and get into the school with no problems. I didn't take into account the fact that I wasn't as good of a trumpet player as I thought I was, so when I auditioned in December I was rather devestated when the trumpet professor asked me, "Are you sure you even want to play the trumpet?"

So, I rethought my future a bit, and instead of changing paths entirely I chose to simply shift my heading a little bit. I auditioned for the Voice department on March 22nd of 2003, and was admitted to the school. And now I am a year behind in my most of my vocal classes. Whoops.

So now to compensate, I'm taking some general education classes in the summer. I figure if I'm ahead in terms of GEs, then being behind in voice will balance it out. Right? Right? Well, maybe not, but it makes me feel like I'm accomplishing something, so you just leave me be. *nods in affirmation*

I actually may not post for awhile, considering that I'm going to be driving to Oklahoma (my home state) tomorrow so that I may see my old youth group. They're at a church camp this week that's a little further than halfway in between Waco and my hometown, so I thought I'd drop by and catch the last service of the week and say "hi" to everybody since I've been in Waco all summer. So if I don't see you before then, have a great weekend.

Listening to: Breathing - Lifehouse

Quote of the Moment:
Clint: "Well, I'm sorry that I wanna get drunk on my 21st birthday!"
Brett: "You are drunk on your 21st birthday."
Clint: "And I am well aware of that!"

Good day to you.

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