Monday, June 23, 2003

For the past two weeks, I've been letting my facial-fuzz grow out in the chin area. I've been shaving around it and everything, just to see what would happen.

The answer is: nothing. Absolutely nothing. There's hair there, yeah, but it's all soft and white. Only people who were paying close attention to my face would have even noticed it, I would guess. So, this morning I glanced at my invisible goatee after my shower, and decided that it was time for it to go. I don't think it will be missed. Maybe I'll try again next summer.

But for now, here's a survey for you! Stolen from Andy's blog:

[ name ] John Michael Carmack
[ nicknames ] Carmack, Hippie, C-Mack, Johnny, etc.
[ born in ] Weatherford, OK
[ resides in ] Waco, TX
[ good student ] This semester... yes. Rest of my life... not so much.
[ eyes ] Blue. Very blue.
[ hair ] Cappucino Blonde
[ shoe size ] 11

last time you ...
[ had a nightmare ] Election 2000 (Gore... *shudder*)
[ said "i love you" and meant it ] Last time I talked to my dad, I reckon.
[ ate at mcdonald's ] Can't remember, thank goodness.
[ dyed your hair ] Never.
[ brushed your hair ] Does combing count? I did that this morning... haven't used a brush in ages, though.
[ washed your hair ] This morning
[ checked your e-mail ] Ten minutes ago
[ cried ] September 22, 1998
[ called someone ] Sunday morning at about 3:00
[ smiled ] Right now.
[ laughed ] Also right now.
[ talked to an ex ] Late March

do you ...
[ smoke? ] Nope.
[ do drugs? ] Nope.
[ have sex? ] Nah.
[ sleep with stuffed animals? ] My pillow is stuffed...
[ have a dream that keeps coming back? ] Yeah. Her name is "Jen."
[ play an instrument? ] Several.
[ believe there is life on other planets? ] I just... don't... care. Is that so bad?
[ remember your first love? ] Yep...
[ still love him/her? ] Not in the same way.
[ read the newspaper? ] Not lately, but I do when it's there.
[ have any straight friends? ] Probably.
[ consider love a mistake? ] Depends on who you're in love with.
[ like the taste of alcohol? ] Wouldn't know.
[ believe in god? ] But of course.
[ pray? ] Indeed.
[ go to church? ] Certainly.
[ have any secrets? ] Not really... I mean, there's things about me that people don't know, but if they were to ask I'd tell them. I keep other people's secrets fairly well, I just don't bother to keep them myself.
[ have any pets? ] Not at the moment.
[ talk to strangers who instant message you? ] Only until I stop being amused. This usually takes about a minute.
[ wear hats? ] Oh, yes.
[ have any piercings? ] No, but I did stab myself at work once. Just in the thumb, though.
[ have any tattoos? ] Nope.
[ hate yourself? ] Not so much, no.
[ have an obsession? ] My attention span is too short.
[ have a secret crush? ] Not really. It's a fairly well known fact, and is it a crush when it's reciprocated?
[ collect anything? ] Not really, but I am very much a packrat.
[ have a best friend? ] Yeah, sure.
[ like your handwriting? ] Well, it's the only handwriting I've got.
[ have any bad habits? ] Sleeping in.
[ care about looks? ] Depends on who I'll see that day, even though most days I look about the same.
[ boy/girlfriend's looks? ] As shallow as it sounds, yeah, it's something that has a pretty major effect on my decision whether or not to date somebody. I mean, if I'm not attracted to somebody, then so be it. I'm not super-finicky when it comes to looks, but I prefer to have a physical attraction to the person.
[ friends and other people? ] Hey, do what you want. I'll hang out with whoever.
[ believe in witches? ] Of course. Wicca is fairly common in some areas of the globe.
[ believe in satan? ] Indeed.
[ believe in ghosts? ] Not sure. I have a long-winded theory concerning them, but I don't want to type it all up here.

[ dress ] Flip-flops, jeans, Hawaiian shirt (mostly blue, with cars & palm trees)
[ mood ] Content
[ make-up ] What?
[ music ] Man of Constant Sorrow - O Brother Where art Thou soundtrack
[ taste ] I had an Altoid about half an hour ago
[ hair ] Fixed
[ annoyance ] Lack of conversational topics
[ smell ] Um... my deodorant?
[ thought ] "How can answer this and sound witty?"
[ book ] Mere Christianity (CS Lewis) and Proverbs (of the Bible), various other Bible books
[ fingernail color ] I don't know what to call that color. The color of fingernails.
[ refreshment ] I am without.
[ worry ] My speech I have to do this week. I still need to pick a company.
[ crush ] Again, is it a crush when they're interested back?
[ favorite celebrity ] I dunno. Somebody old and dignified, we'll say.

last person ...
[ you touched ] Jason Archer
[ you talked to ] I do not remember... eep.
[ you hugged ] Jason Archer
[ you instant messaged ] Jen
[ you yelled at ] I haven't really yelled at anyone in a very long time.
[ you had a crush on ] Uh... Jen?
[ who broke your heart ] Hmmm... can't say I've been given the chance to get that attached. The one time I did, it was me who broke it off. So... me?
[ kissed ] Jen

who do you want to:
[ kill ] Oh, I dunno. Who do you want me to kill?
[ slap ] At the moment, Brett. I'm sitting on a $250 cable bill that must be answered for.
[ tickle ] I dunno. Who do you want me to tickle?
[ talk to ] I'm already doing that.
[ have sex with ] My future wife. (HAH!)
[ kiss ] Jen.
[ be like ] Ultimately, Jesus. For now, James Bond. *nods* Yeah.

And that's all there is, there isn't any more.

1 comment:

Carmack said...

Without question the scariest thing about leaving these entries up is thinking that someone will read them and think I am still the same person eight years later.

Eight years.

Eight years, guys.

It's scary to me.