Wednesday, July 2, 2003

Well, for all interested parties, my final ended up being not that bad. I ended up with an 86 on the test and a 93 for the course, so that means I've just earned my first 4.0 semester at Baylor University. Let's see if I can pull something like that sometime other than the summer, though.

But, moving on...

Jen and I didn't get to talk very much tonight, unfortunately. Her parents are kind of cracking down on how much sleep she gets since she's living at home this summer, and we didn't actually start talking until around eleven anyway. So we only got about a half hour of decent conversation before she was told that she needed to go to bad. So, I had the next few hours to essentially do nothing (well of course I'm not going to use that time to sleep!). I figured I'd go and see what Jim was up to.

Some folks were over there, so we all watched a movie and then later Jim and I went out to IHOP. For some reason, hanging out with Jim always makes me feel like I actually have some sort of depth to my thinking. We manage to brush on a very wide scope of topics, ranging from Batman to theology. We never reach any actual deep thoughts, but we explore ideas enough to fulfill my need to feel like an intellectual.

We talked briefly about shooting a video this week sometime before I leave for Hinton for the holiday. It was a rather nifty idea concerning the comparison/contrast between being a diner patron and a hospital patient... really cool. Assignment for self: ponder this film.

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