Thursday, June 19, 2003

So I have now joined the dark side of the Internet, it would seem. Not only did I sign up for one of those "blog" things people keep telling me about, but I also spent a solid two hours making up my own template so I could feel artistic and cool. Things like this never last very long for me, but maybe this time 'round it could be different.

I decided to call it "te Deum," which is Latin for "To God." I suppose that's pretty cheesy when you come down to it, but it seemed an appropriate title for this particular time in my life. Also, if I remember that this thing is labeled as being "to God" it might keep me from being ridiculously negative here (as I have a tendency to do when I'm allowed to just type whatever I like).

So what goes on here? I basically just write a journal for all the world to read, and my mind is left as an open book to the masses? Sounds like fun, I suppose. But for now, I'll just leave it at this little introduction.

Have fun, all. Thanks for reading.

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