Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Sorry guys, it seems to me like I'm updating a lot lately, but I think I've started three entries in the past two days that have ended up just being saved as drafts.

For anybody keeping up, Ben made me eat a chicken sandwich today. God love that boy. I'm not used to being stressed, so this whole "loss of appetite" thing has taken me by surprise. It was a bit of a battle the whole way through, but I finished the thing off, so hooray for that. My body can continue to function as normal and, at least for another couple of days, I don't have to worry about starvation. Sic 'em.

I know I'm starting to sound like a broken record, but I had something of a rough day at work again. I actually had a table get so mad at me that they walked out of the restaurant. Everybody else though they were just being jerks, but I really wasn't giving them the best service I could have. I knew it and they did too. It kind of hurt my feelings, which is ridiculous. I can't take it personally, because the rest of my tables were fine. My tips were lower tonight, but I don't think I gave sub-par service; I think I just gave worse service than I usually do.

I don't think I'll be able to keep working this job through the fall. Summer will likely be enough for me. But we'll see.


Anonymous said...

I don't know if I could handle some of the jerks that come into restaurants... I really do have a lot of respect for waiters. That reminds me of a story... the other night I accidentally took the "restaurant" copy of the credit card receipt, so the tip didn't get put on there. I felt bad, so if I have Nicole as a server again, I'll just leave double the tip. Anyway, just do the best you can and remember you can only control your attitude, not others'. If you get too frustrated, then you can might be able to put yourself in a better mindset by adapting what Dr. South always says (during the fall): "It's a beautiful day for marching band!"

Anonymous said...

that's it...i'm applying tomorrow. you and i--we're going to take the outback customers by storm!

and i'm gonna tickle ya, too...just because i can...and because it's a sure way to make you smile. :-)