Friday, April 14, 2006

Lots of posts lately. I guess that's just the way it is sometimes.

Good things I have accomplished today:
Really cleaned my room
Did the apartment dishes
Cleaned out my car (found Mary's sunglasses, they were tucked way underneath the seats behind some papers)
Had breakfast at Harold Waite's while reading some Donald Miller
Picked up some guitar stuff at Holze's Music Co.

And to think, this is about the time of day I've been getting up for the past three weeks, and already I've gotten this much stuff done. Every single time I finally fix my sleeping hours, this is exactly what happens. So why don't I do it quicker? Excellent question. I don't think I'll ever know the answer.

So on Sunday I wrote a lengthy entry that contained a few paragrpahs of purposely vague material. I'm feeling a little less inhibited about opening up right now, given current circumstances, and so I'm going to clarify as best I can. If you didn't read Sunday's entry, this might not make much sense.

I know myself to have a very stark, pronounced, and unabashed fear of accidentally ending up with the wrong person. I know full well that this is not something that is anywhere near unique to me, but that doesn't make it any less real. A problem that many people share doesn't cease to be a problem simply because it is a common one; it just becomes easier to ignore or shrug off. This translates, roughly, into a fear of commitment. After all, if I never commit to anyone, then I can't commit to the wrong person, can I? Safety in loneliness would be a simple way to say it, but obviously it's not as simple as all that. Who wants to be lonely? Not me. So this is a thought process that doesn't make sense. Still, in spite of that, and the fact that I know full well that it is completely retarted, my fear continues to allow me to feel safe.

So, in light of this fear, any time I start to get comfortable in a relationship, I try to convince myself that I'm not really all that into it. I become convinced that my comfort is really just a sign of apathy and boredom as opposed to contentedness. I tell myself, "You know, if this relationship were to end, I bet it wouldn't bother me. I'd be fine, probably trying to chase some other girl in a few days." This is reprehensible. Not just the thought process, but the fact that I do it every single time and the fact that I am always lying to myself. It is, as of this writing, impossible for me to admit that I actually just like the girl and just happen to feel comfortable around her because she's easy to be around. And so, because I am incapable of being comfortable, I decide to make things uncomfortable.

Anyone I've dated for more than a couple of months since coming to college can tell you approximately when this happened, even if they didn't know it was happening. Why do they know this? Because this is when I start to pick fights. I do things that are irritating and pretend not to know how irritating they are. I pretend to be irritable, and I am short with them. Like some elementary school crush or something, I antagonize them. Then I get to see them mad, pretend it's their fault, and when it's gone on for long enough I'll just throw up my hands in frustration and end the relationship. Problem solved, commitment avoided. It's a foolproof plan, acted out on an almost entirely subconcious level. Of course, within twenty-four hours after things end I realize what a bastard I've been and wish desperately that I could take it all back, but of course it's too late and the damage is done. The one time I called the girl the next day, she was crying her eyes out and I didn't have the heart to try to fix things; I felt horrible for making her feel that way, and I had no way of knowing I wouldn't do it again. I pretended that I had been trying to call somebody else and had dialed her number by mistake out of habit. Seriously, who does that? I mean, aside from evil people.

Aside: the greatest failure in my life, it seems, is the failure to figure out that unlike Photoshop, I have no "Apple-Z" buttons to push (that's "Control-Z" for you PC users; the "Undo last action" command). I never realize that I can't take things back until after I realize that I might want to. Solution: think before I speak. Problem: I've never been very good at that. Ask any of my teachers from high school.

Second aside: I'm not sure what I mean when I say "evil people." I guess I mean people that do stuff that all of us do, the stuff that hurts people, but they're not doing it subconciously because they're selfish, they do it on purpose because they're mean. I would also imagine that they don't feel bad about it afterwards. In this example, we'll say that's what it means. I reserve the right to change the term's meaning for future posts.

I don't know how, I don't know when, but this blog entry will come back to bite me in the face. When I write about relationships, they always do. So why am I going to post it?

I don't have a good answer for that. Anymore, I post on here because it's something that makes me feel good. Problems be damned, I like to write and this is my podium, so I'm going to keep writing.

Ashlea and I broke up, by the way.

Listening to - One Sweet World by Dave Matthews


Anonymous said...

john carmack. all i have to say.

oh except that retarded has a d and not a t. unless you're saying re-tart-ed like a moron (and my apo friends from ou).


Anonymous said...

Hey, man...

I wouldn't have what you call much "experience" with the situation, but I would say that I've done a lot of thinking and observing over my years. After all, thinking is the one thing I've been accused of doing too much. Anyway, I'm not going to try answer any of your questions or tell you the meaning of life (which is a great movie), but maybe give you a slightly different way of viewing what you've just stated.

The paradox: you're afraid to be alone, but fear being with somebody. Common. Think about it as you just want to be sure you end up with the right girl (more on this later).

The "solution": making things uncomfortable. Maybe it's just that the relationship has lost its interest and that's your way of introducing variety. Maybe a girl that's comfortable to be around without the "spark" would be better suited as a friend than a girlfriend. Maybe you're looking for something that is going to give you a lasting relationship when it's just not going to be found with the current girl. If you don't like the way you deal with a problem, then figure out how to deal with the problem before it arises. When you perform a piece of music, you don't wait until the performance to practice. Imagine the possible situations and how you'll deal with each of them. It might not make things easier, but it could prevent regrettable actions in the future.

Evil people? You make it sound as though everybody is evil. That seems like a really grim outlook to me. I tend to think of people as generally good; yet at the same time, everybody does evil things from time to time. Is the reason for this evil simply a case of confusion? Maybe. A confusion between right and wrong? A confusion of what certain words meant? A confusion as to how one got into a particular situation and how to get out? Unfortunately we don't realize we were confused or fail to see the big picture until it has already passed.

Anyway, as far as finding the girl for you, just be patient. You'll know when it happens. Consider all happily married couples out there and think about what those relationships have in common. Consider some of your friends that have gotten married. What was different about the relationship that lasted for them as opposed to the ones before?

If a relationship feels pretty much like all the others, there's a good chance it will end pretty much like all the others, which is why it seems (to my likely overly elementary logic and in my somewhat naive opinion) that the last relationship you'll have will be best one and one you won't want to give up for a minute; the one that's still fresh after the first couple of months/years.

Keep looking and be patient. You'll find what you're looking for. And remember, I'm always available to discuss stuff like this as well as lighter topics; just give me a call, send and IM, or drop by when you're in the state.


Anonymous said...

oh p.s. i had noticed your facebook profile had said single but hadn't asked. course facebook profiles are sneaky things and not the most trusted source.


SD said...

You know what's retarded? People who point out grammatical errors in a terribly vain attempt to spite someone.

Anonymous said...

i wasn't trying to spite John. just trying to lighten the mood. though it was a ridiculous attempt, i tried. i had nothing substantial to say but wanted to respond.
