Friday, April 21, 2006

I've been talking to several people about what's going on with me lately, so we'll consider this the official place of reference for a "what happened."

Shortly after Ashlea and I broke up (in the vicinity of ten to fifteen minutes or so) I came to the decision that I'd made a horrible mistake and set to work immediately on a plan to fix what I'd made wrong. So began my first ever campaign to really try to undo a breakup. Long story short, there were many small romantic gestures, one medium gesture, and one really big gesture. I don't want to go into details; this blog may be very candid about the details in my life, for the most part, but sometimes things really are just private. Suffice to say, there were flowers, letters, pictures and couches involved.

But it was not to be; I'd done some pretty thorough damage. There was a final talk last night, and we're still on great terms, but the relationship as we knew it has ceased to exist. So now I pack it away and move on. But lessons have been learned, relationships with friends have been strengthened, and my brother and I are better in touch than we've been since he left for college six years ago. Altogether things could be worse. I feel fine. I slept well last night, started eating again, and I suppose my ugly, ugly couch will find a safe place to stay until a time comes when it's ready to be donated. I'm thinking the kitchen.

So, next on my big lifelong list of things to do: learn to fly. I start today.

Listening to - Never Do Anything by barenaked ladies

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