Friday, July 4, 2003

Well, we never did shoot that film Jim was telling me about.

I'm back in Hinton now, all fired up for the big Independence Day celebration. I haven't been able to track Nathan down yet, oddly enough. Apparently they're off on some mission trip and were supposed to be back around 3:00, but here we are at almost five and there's been no sign of the group. Ah, so it is.

For some reaon, I always find myself checking out the Apple website. I really don't know why, either. I prefer to build my own computers nowadays, but something about those shiny iBooks just makes me keep coming back to their website. Maybe one of these days I'll just surrender my pride and get one just so I can feel all cool and artistic like all those "revolutionary" Mac owners out there. I mean, they're really good for video editing, right? Right?

I start band camp on Sunday, and will therefore be without any real internet access until next Friday night. There's also no cell phone service, so I probably won't get to talk to Jen at all. *insert saddened face here* Ah, well, at least I saw her yesterday, even if it was just long enough to say hi and be on my way to Oklahoma.

I talked to my dad a fair amount today about stuff from the past. It's interesting to hear his take on the whole thing with mom; it's almost amazing how non-bitter he is about it, even though it has been about fifteen years since it all came down. There's several things I had forgotten about the divorce and pre-divorce parts of our lives, simply because I was pretty young when all of it happened. I need to ask him if I can read some more of the court transcripts sometime.

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