Tuesday, February 22, 2005

It's been a pleasant couple of days, I've got to say.

I went and got what was supposed to be a trim yesterday, but things got a little out of hand. You know, one thing led to another, the barber and I got to talking, whatever, and I walked out of there with what is (for me) some seriously short hair. I think the last time I had it cut this short would be sometime near the end of high school. I was kind of worried, because it used to be that whenever I got a haircut it would cause me to lose as many as three to four years in terms of the "how old does this kid look" factor. But I guess my face has aged a little, because nobody has said to me, "You look so young! You're so precious! Awwwww!" So, thank goodness for chin-fuzz, I reckon.

Also, I've had this problem this semester of turning off my alarm clock in my sleep. I keep telling myself I'm going to relocate the alarm clock to a different place in the room, but that doesn't solve the problem so much as it delays it a little bit. Maybe I could have Cozad hide an alarm clock or two somewhere in my room every night or something. He's cool like that, so he might be up for it. I dunno.

I'm not going to say too much about the stuff that people came here to see (ie, dirt, stories of John's social life, etc.), because in the past when I've done that I've just gone and gotten people mad. Can't have that. I will say that it's been a varied couple of months as well as a pretty pleasant week and a half or so.

I find it interesting how much easier it is to be creative when I'm not under the impression that I absolutely have to be. When I feel like I'm trying to impress somebody and I'm desperately racking my brain for something to do, I've nary an idea. On the other hand, when I'm more laid back and just kind of letting things take care of themselves, all of a sudden I'll see a nearly full bottle of Ginger Ale nearby and instantly a plan will formulate.

I've had a pimple on my lip for the past few days. Right where my trumpet is supposed to go. In addition to being a very, very gross thing for people to have to look at (sorry everybody), it's been a pretty painful experience. I am not a fan of acne of any sort. I'm going to put some more Clearasil on this sucker now.

Listening to - You Can't Handle This by Five Iron Frenzy (back to my ROOTS... good ol' Five Iron)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

No real comments to make, just found your blog from clicking on the M in your posts at the bulletin board. nice blog by the way, guess everyone's got one now.