Sunday, February 20, 2005

I will not get wrapped up in other people's drama, thereby creating more drama for myself.
I will not get wrapped up in other people's drama, thereby creating more drama for myself.
I will not get wrapped up in other people's drama, thereby creating more drama for myself.
I will not get wrapped up in other people's drama, thereby creating more drama for myself.
I will not get wrapped up in other people's drama, thereby creating more drama for myself.
I will not get wrapped up in other people's drama, thereby creating more drama for myself.
I will not get wrapped up in other people's drama, thereby creating more drama for myself.
I will not get wrapped up in other people's drama, thereby creating more drama for myself.
I will not get wrapped up in other people's drama, thereby creating more drama for myself.
I will not get wrapped up in other people's drama, thereby creating more drama for myself.
I will not get wrapped up in other people's drama, thereby creating more drama for myself.

There. That should take care of that little temptation. I wish everybody out there the best, and I hope in the end everybody is happy, but I've got to remember that I'm also friends with each side, and no matter how many times I want to say, "HOLY HELL, WHAT THE **** IS UP WITH THAT?" I must refrain and simply say, "They'll figure it out."

Listening to - Song for the Dumped by Ben Folds Five (for no particular reason; I just think it's a funny song)

1 comment:

Christina said...

Oh, us people that like helping other people solve their problems.

I wondered why drama always followed me around... it's because I stick my nose in it and want to fix it all! I wonder if that's how it was for you.