Thursday, March 10, 2005

[Spell your name backwards] kcamrac leahcim nhoj
[The story behind your screen name] johnmcarmack = my parents liked it
[What school do you go to?] Baylor University
[4 words to sum you up] charming, sophisticated, secret agent, full of crap (too many words)
[do you believe in love] Yeah.
[do you believe in soul mates] Not really, no.
[do you believe in love at first sight] Not so much.
[do you believe in forgivness] Not for you. Not unless you wash my car.
[if you could have any animal as a pet] Emu.
[what are 3 cities you wouldn't mind re-locating to?] Pagosa Springs, CO; Oklahoma City, OK; Omaha, NE
[whats something you wish you could understand better] Surveys.

In the Last 24 hours have you:
[cried] No.
[bought something] No. (for real... I love Hinton)
[gotten sick] No.
[slept] Yes.
[been kissed] No.
[felt stupid] Yeah.
[wanted to tell someone you love them but didnt] No.
[met someone new] Yes.
[talked to someone you have a crush on] No.
[hugged someone] Yes?
[fought with your parents] No.
[dreamed of someone you couldnt be with] Nope.

Social Life:
[friends] Many.
[b/f or g/f] Not really... I think.
[hobbies] Hot Dog vending, Mini Cooper hauling, money counting, etc.
[center of attention] I do not require that I be the center of attention, but I also refuse to be ignored. If I sense that I am being ignored, I will leave.
[would you rather be with your friends or on a date] Depends on the friends, depends on the date, and it depends when I saw who last. All things being equal, I'd probably rather be on a date.

[have you known the Longest] My parents.
[who do you always get along with] Nobody. You can get tired of anybody.
[makes you laugh the most] My conscience. Silly conscience.
[is the best dancer] Sarah Divelbiss
[does the stupidest stuff alone] Me.
[does the stupidest stuff with you] Nate.

[who is your role model?]  You know, I guess it's my dad. How corny.
[have you cried over the opposite sex] Yeah.
[ever liked your best guy/ girl friend?]  Certainly not.
[do you want to get married] Yes.
[do you want kids] Two of them.
[do you believe you know the person you will marry?] Crap, I don't know. I gave up on trying to guess that one a long time ago.
[are you happy with you] Yeah.
[are you happy with your Life] Well, it's the only one I've got.

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