Tuesday, March 8, 2005

* my father thinks i am: Overworked and undermotivated
* my mother thinks i am: Couldn't tell you. Probably thinks I'm a jerk.
* my siblings think i am: Cool... I think. To be honest, I got no idea.
* my grandma thinks i am: She's not doing much thinking these days.
* my grandpa thinks i am: See previous.
* my boyfriend/girlfriend thinks i am: Distracting ;)
* my best friends thinks i am: Crap, I don't know.

* your three best qualities: Musical aptitude, friendly and outgoing personality, and something else nice
* three worst qualities: Tendency to procrastinate, I get very impatient with others when I start to get stressed, and an inability to respond to alarm clocks.
* three things you are often complimented for: Eye color, voice, and willingness to take on more and more work (although this is usually followed up by confusion at why said work isn't done yet)
* you get embarrassed when: I perform and it's obvious that I didn't prepare.
* makes you happy: Playing my guitar. It's cheesy, I know, but I can't be angry while I'm doing it.
* upsets you: Being in a discussion where it's obvious my input is being ignored.

yes or no:
* you keep a diary: If a blog counts, then I suppose I do.
* you like to cook: Yes, but that doesn't necessarily mean I'm good at it.
* you have a secret you have not shared with anyone: Probably not. Not on purpose, anyhow.
* you fold your underwear: Yeah.
* you talk in your sleep: Don't think so.
* you set your watch a few minutes ahead: No.
* you bite your fingernails: Yep.
* you believe in love: Yep.


* movie you rented: So I Married an Axe Murderer
* movie you bought: The Shawshank Redemption
* song you listened to: "Blood on the Coal" by the Folksmen (from A Mighty Wind)
* song you've downloaded: There Is No Rose of Such Virtue
* CD you bought: Damien Rice - O
* CD you listened to: The Lime CD by David Crowder Band
* person you've called: Nate
* person that's called you: Dad
* TV show you've watched: Freaks and Geeks
* person you were thinking of: Tall brunette bassoon player from the Dallas area. The name escapes me.


* you wish you could live somewhere else: Complicated question disguised as a simple one. I want to live in lots of places. As for where I want to settle down eventually, there's pretty much no telling.
* you believe in online dating: Oh, I believe in it... it's real enough, after all. I'm not a fan of it, and I don't recommend it, but it's definitely there.
* others find you attractive: Some do, some don't. I don't think about it that much, honestly.
* you want more piercings: Nah.
* you want more tattoos: Not really. Five is enough.
(note: kidding. I only have four.)
(note: seriously, do you know me?)
* you drink: On occasion.
* you do drugs: Nah.
* you smoke: Nope.
* you like cleaning: While I'm doing it, yes. When I'm about to do it... hell no.
* you like roller coasters: Oh yes.
* you write in cursive or print: Print
* you carry a donor card: I have the little box checked on my license.

for or against:

* long distance relationships: I think they are tough, but i think that if the people care about each other enough, it can work out. I can tell you that I don't plan to do it again, and that I don't recommend it, but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do.
* using someone: Not a fan of it.
* suicide: Well, if I was for it, I probably wouldn't be writing this, would I?
* killing people: Okay, seriously, has anybody ever put "for" here? C'mon, now.
* teenage smoking: *shakes head* Smoking in general just isn't that smart. The occasional cigar, fine... but seriously. Bah.
* doing drugs: First off, I've never had drugs of any sort. Second, it would depend entirely on the drugs involved... I'm of the mindset that what people can do whatever they want to do as long as they don't put others in danger while they're doing it. If you want to fry your own noggin, be my guest. I just won't be doing it myself.
* premarital sex: Hmmm... again, complicated.
* driving drunk: Against.
* gay/lesbian relationships: Wow. Let's make some more things black and white, shall we? I'll say that I'm not necessarily in favor, but then I don't see how it's any worse than some of the stuff your average evangelical doesn't so much as bat an eye towards.
* soap operas: Against.


* food: Italian in general.
* song: Whatever I'm learning on guitar at the moment.
* thing to do: Make a girl smile
* thing to talk about: A variety. No one topic really jumps out at me.
* sports: Table tennis
* drinks: Dr. Pepper, really good water, and the very occassional Smirnoff Twisted Raspberry. And yes, I know that's a "woman drink," but I like it. So leave my pansy drink alone.
* clothes: Jeans, converse shoes and a t-shirt. Although I do enjoy putting on the ol' slacks and dress shirt every once in awhile just for the heck of it.
* movies: Eternal Sunshine, Saved, lots and lots more
* band: Brave Saint Saturn (or Five Iron Frenzy)
* holiday: spring break... snowboarding...
* car: 2000 Ford Explorer

have you:

* ever cried over a boy/girl: ...yeah......
* ever lied to someone: Yes.
* ever been in a fist fight: Not in a very, very long time.
* ever been arrested: Nah.


* shampoo do you use: Herbal Essences. I am machismo incarnate.
* perfume do you use: COLOGNE. Polo Sport by Ralph Lauren.
* shoes do you wear: Converse All-Stars... many colors
* are you scared of: Boredom


* of times i have been in love: To date, for real... once.
* of times i have had my heart broken: Thrice.
* of hearts i have broken: Four.
* of people i've slept with: Holy crap.
* of people i consider my enemies: None.
* of people from high school that i stayed in contact with: Um... five? However many there are at Baylor.
* of CDs that i own: According to iTunes, 413. But those aren't actual CDs... just MP3s for the most part.
* of times my name has appeared in the newspaper: At Baylor, probably seven or eight. In Hinton, every week from the time I was born until sometime into my freshman year at Baylor.
* of things in my past that I regret: The latter half of June 2003... could have saved myself and some other folks a ton of hurt if I'd been smarter.

current mood: Mellow
current music: Delicate by Damien Rice

1 comment:

Christina said...

"* upsets you: Being in a discussion where it's obvious my input is being ignored."
I see you haven't changed much.
"* you want more tattoos: Not really. Five is enough.
(note: kidding. I only have four.)
(note: seriously, do you know me?)"

Do you know the reason for surveys like this?
;) Other than getting to be kinda narcissistic and pretend everyone cares and reads these things.

/end of harsh jabbing at John of 2005

"* thing to do: Make a girl smile"
Yeah, you haven't changed at all :D

"* are you scared of: Boredom"

"* of things in my past that I regret: The latter half of June 2003... could have saved myself and some other folks a ton of hurt if I'd been smarter."
I wanna know about this, if you feel like sharing.