Monday, April 13, 2009

Rhapsody in Blonde, Brown, & Orange

A week ago, I looked like this:

On an impulse, I was convinced to see what I would look like as a brunette. It came out very dark. Too dark. I had to shave my goatee because it was a pretty obvious mismatch. After that, I looked like this:

Fact of the matter is this: it doesn't look right. It's not necessarily bad, it just doesn't look right. So I bought some product to strip the hair of color, after which I looked like this:

Yes. My hair is orange.

I then attempted to use the dye I'm holding in the previous picture to re-tint my color to some shade of blonde. The result? Slightly darker orange.

This is what I look like now. I'm leaving it for probably a week, after which I will likely shave it. I'm allowing the week so that I can grow my goatee back and can safely shave my head without looking like a chemo patient.

I felt this was significant enough to merit a blog post.


caroline said...

I think you just needed a woman skilled in such things to help you with this dying process.
I don't think the brown looked bad!

You look a lot more like Rob without the goatee!

Ashlee said...

I agree. I don't think the brown looked bad. Perhaps not "John", but not bad. The orange is unfortunate...

Nancy said...

Thanks for the pictures. I had tried to picture in my mind orange hair on you. It was about like I suspected: like a short-haired Carrot Top.

N said...

Oh my.....I laugh more every time I read back over this and look at the pictures. I'm certainly not laughing AT you, but I am just laughing at the situation. Of course, laughing is an understatement.....more like cramping my sides. I saw the pic in your next post and immediately shot down the page as I wanted the back story first. I am so excited about moving on to the next post I can hardly tell you. I'm typing rather frantically so I can hurry and find out more. My thoughts about the hair colors (just because I enjoy sharing my thoughts with you): The brunette - I agree with you, it does not look bad at all, but just hardly even looks like you. The orange - that's hilarious!! Dude, you look SO young....absolutely junior year of high school. I feel like I should come over to jump in the hot tub tonight (heart sinks at the reality). The darker orange - not bad at all.