Friday, June 20, 2008

So then. I may have gotten myself into something I'll wish I hadn't done.

I got talked into (re: was asked one time to) join in a Triathlon Relay in Oklahoma City with Nate on August 3rd. I'll be the swimmer. I have never swum competitively in my entire life. I've got six weeks. Guess what I'm about to go do (hint: not watch TV).

For what it's worth, I've lost some weight and added some muscle, so if there's ever a time in my life when I could quickly train for this kind of thing, this is it.



Clearly I'm in better shape in the second photo, but a 450m swim race... this is going to be tough. Here's hoping!
Listening to - Still Alive by Jonathan Coulton

1 comment:

Nancy said...

Wow. You DO look ready. And it looks like you're really thinking about it.

I'm impressed - about the doing and the thinking, and the getting ready.
I can't imagine doing those things. Well, the thinking I can imagine.