Saturday, May 24, 2008

People frequently ask me what it's like to be colorblind. The other day, I got confused while trying to buy lemons and walked directly to the oranges before realizing they were the wrong size. Just to show that I am not an idiot, I decided I would take a picture with my trusty camera phone and run it through a colorblind filter. You tell me if you wouldn't have been a little confused at first.

Here's what anyone else would see:

And here is what I saw:

To me, those images look identical, so it's my assumption that the filter is an accurate representation of what I see, but it could be a little off and I would have no way of knowing. Either way, I think you get the idea.


Ashlee said...

Is that a Texas flag that the fruit are sitting on? So it has yellow stripes to you? That's so much yellow.

Nancy said...

That is very, very interesting.
It DOES help in understanding.

Anonymous said...

In case you're curious, I can still distinguish between the bottom half of the Texas flag, the orange, and the lemon. But it's definitely a difference in degree; the three are roughly the same color. That sucks.