Thursday, July 7, 2005

I have Texan friends. They are a proud little cult. They take pride in the fact that they are the second biggest state in nation, and they take greater pride in the fact that they were once a country that was so poor they were unable to issue currency. I do not understand the state pride of your average Texan.

And so it comes a very small surprise that every time I read a xanga, Facebook profile, or some other type of documentation regarding one of these friends that involves them leaving the state, one of the first things mentioned is "this is so much cooler than what we have in Texas" or "the weather here is so much better than Texas" or anything like that. I have learned that many Texans don't leave their state very often; several of my friends have, in fact, never left Texas, and still claim that it is the best place on earth. So I like seeing that the ones who do leave find the truth.

Texas is a good place. I like going to school there. But I don't think I'll ever be able to live there on a permanent basis. They have a superiority complex about their superiority complex; it grows tiring.

Iowa is awesome.


Anonymous said...

Iowa? I agree that Texas pride is unwarranted, but Iowa?

Anonymous said...

Carmack, I just spent a few minutes reading your entries. you're a nice guy. I respect you. And, I'm proud to have you as a brother. Have a good summer, I'll see you in august.