Monday, June 28, 2004

First off, two things:

1) Air conditioning never felt so good, and
2) I am horrendously out of shape.

I just ran the Bear Trail... or rather, I ran about four hundred yards of the Bear Trail and walked the other two miles or so. I stepped out of my apartment, started running towards the new science building, and I made it about to the bridge on University Parks (next to the marina) before I just petered out. I had nothing left, and I had only gone probably a quarter of a mile. And to think I used to be a distance runner. I walked the rest of the way, which I suppose is an okay workout, but I don't think my sides are going to get any less squishy until I'm able to run at least half of the trail. Ah, well, I guess I'll keep working on it.

On an entirely different note, I have enabled comments on my blog. I used to have these disabled because at the time I felt that it might be better if I didn't know who was reading these things. But now I'm kind of curious to see if anybody even reads them at all. So if you're reading this entry, feel free to leave me a comment and laugh at me for my out-of-shapeness. And if I'm just typing to myself, then I should pay very close attention to this next statement. Am I ready? I'd better be. Here it goes:

Get a grip. You're typing to yourself, man.

Listening to: Trust in Me by Katy Hudson (note: not Kate Hudson)

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