Tuesday, November 23, 2010


This one goes out to the commenters.

I took advantage of laundry day by going back and reading every last entry on this blog. I did this once two years ago and ended up making a few entries private because they were drama-filled. I did the same thing today, except the posts I took down I mostly took down because they were boring or didn't add anything to my story. The ones that are left are the ones that deal with funny stories from my past, major revelations about my character, and the posts that fill in details I might otherwise forget (primarily the Costa Rica entries, Jan-Mar 2006).

While I was doing this, I realized how long I've really been at this. Equally important, I realized how long some of you have been watching me do it, and I can't tell you how grateful I am. You commenters have given me advice, encouragement, support, and self-insight I would not have received if I did not have this blog, and it was almost always exactly what I needed exactly when I needed it.

First and foremost, my aunt Nancy. I think she has been reading this blog longer than anybody, and is probably the only person to have legitimately "found" me rather than following a link I provided here, as evidenced by her first comment, which is pretty hilarious. Nancy always makes me feel good about my writing, and as I read through the old posts I saw how shamefully rare it was for me to respond to her even though she never stopped encouraging me. If she didn't keep commenting and telling me she enjoyed these posts, I might have forgotten about this blog long ago, and days like today wouldn't be possible for me. I owe Nancy my ability to consistently write with my own voice and express my thoughts clearly, because without this blog I never would have had all this practice. Thank you so much Nancy.

The rest are in no particular order, but all are important.

Ashlee Ford - lots of great comments out there from you, all of them making me feel cooler. You're the "glue" that keeps our little band of high school misfits together, I'm glad you keep reminding us all to meet for Christmas-ish, else I would have virtually no ties to my high school experience. Aside, of course, from...

Nate - There were four or five comments that you've made in the past five years that were simply amazing, I wish I had bookmarked them so I could link to them now. You often leave comments that I don't understand at the time, then I come back a month later and it's like you were living in my head but I was a month behind and you got to my thoughts first. You manage to see the truth behind pretty much all the BS I spew (especially when I don't realize it's BS), and that's why you're my best friend in the world. Sorry for being cheesy, it makes me feel weird too, but I wasn't going to not say it.

Cobb - Always with the jokes, uplifting thoughts, and grammar corrections (both in English and Spanish). I think you're the only K-Psi who has been reading these posts this whole time, and even though we rarely talk I consider you a close friend.

There were several others who have left me multiple comments that I appreciated (Talley, Michelle, Laura, Caroline), and plenty of one-timers who left great insight as well. Anybody who has taken the time to read any of this has my gratitude; I tell myself I write this blog for me, and that's true. But having people respond to my thoughts is what lets me grow through this and know that I'm heading down a positive track. If it weren't for this blog, I wouldn't be capable of having the conversations I get to have today, and if it weren't for the commenters, I might never have realized some of the things that have made me who I am now.

Thanks, guys.


Carmack said...

Found one from Nate, where he talks about my sense of humor.


Pretty much hit it on the head, and I've used that comment to lay back and not try so hard to be funny. And of course, now people tell me I'm funny, so he was obviously right. I'll try to track down one more.

Carmack said...

Oh, I can't find any others because most of them are on the emo-drama posts I pulled down. haha of course.

Nancy said...


I'm speechless.
(Well, almost.)

Thank you for thanking me!

I DO love reading your blog... and your everything.

I really think you're smart. ... very insightful... entertaining... and GEEZ... THANKS FOR THANKING ME!!!

You made my week!

Anonymous said...

That was a very nice post.

I agree about my mom's commenting--she also keeps me going on my blog. She is good at doing to others as she wants done to herself. She gives a lot of comments, and she gets a lot of comments because of it. I enjoy comments but am not so good and consistently commenting myself.

But I do keep up with your blog and enjoy it. :)

Ashlee said...

Thanks for the shout out John! It's perfect for me to comment on this on my first time to check Google reader rss feeds on my fancy phone.