Wednesday, December 17, 2008


Nancy tagged me several days ago and I'm just now getting around to responding. So now I am supposed to post six interesting facts about myself, and here are the ones I have chosen:

1) I listen to Christmas music at all times of the year. Particularly the summer. I listen to it the least in December. I don't know why.
2) I secretly believe that playing basso handbells makes me look macho. I know that this is patently ridiculous, but I believe it anyway.
3) I want to be in a Muppet production as a Muppet who looks and sounds like me. This wish was inspired by a dream in which an ex-girlfriend cursed me to being a Muppet and I ended up liking it, so she changed me back out of exasperation. This was almost certainly put into my subconscious by the "Smile Time" episode of Angel. Also somebody once told me I laughed like a muppet.
4) I love the process of traveling almost as much as being in the place I am going, but only when I am with the right traveling companions (my roommate Ray, for example) or completely alone. Even commercial flights, when taken alone, are therapeutic experiences for me.
5) The ONLY time I like being alone is when I travel. This will all change when I meet my wife, though, because she will also love to travel and will like all of the same road games and audiobooks as me. I say this with this kind of certainty because it may well be a deal-breaker. If only road trips were acceptable as second dates, it would save everybody so much time.
6) Even though I haven't been in Oklahoma since the holiday season started, I have been humming the B.C. Clark Anniversary Sale Jingle throughout this road trip. I was unaware of this until my waitress at the sushi place in Vegas asked me to stop.

Wow, two posts in one day... I think it's been a long while since that's happened.


Nancy said...

VERY interesting!
(Thank you so much for doing that.)

caroline said...

Rob sings that jingle too!

Ashlee said...

I concur with the road-trip compatibility deal breaker. If they annoy the crap out of you after just a few hours in the car, how in the world can you possibly end up together successfully? So I support the campaign for road tripping second dates.

N said...
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N said...

In regards to 4), I completely agree with everything you said. Every single part of it. 5), the last sentence cracked me up. And I agree with this part. 6), this makes me think that I would really enjoy being a fly on the seat belt of one of your road trips. What's funny is that, when you are purposefully being funny, very few people see the humor the way you do. (By the way, when I say 'you', it is not universal, I'm actually pronouning John Carmack) What I mean to say, in the way only a best friend could, is that when you say something trying to be funny, very few people actually find it funny, but my guess is that there are endless hilarious situations such as the one told in 6) if someone were to watch you unknowingly. For whatever reason, this leads me to remember the times we would hang out and feel superior to everyone, simply because our If no one laughed at a joke, including me, you could view them as stupid and disregard their existence simply because I was your best friend. There was no need to explain your joke and there was no need for me to legitimize it with a head nod. I assume this was the case for you, only because it is the case if this situation were flipped and I was the one to tell a joke that is funny only to me. And to end this poorly written reply, I want to emphasize that head nod. See, when a person acts or says something in a situation that receives a head nod, then that person is truly alone. The head nod simply means, "Yes, you are awkward and even I don't really accept you at this point".

I'm trying to sort out my thoughts in my head which is hard enough with out some super annoying professor badgering his class down the hall. (Close the freakin' door!!) That is why you may not understand most of this comment.